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Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting Mar 2022

Financial disclosure reporting checklist: Charities SORP (FRS 102)

Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2015). Updated February 2022.

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Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Governance, legal and compliance People and culture IT, technology and digital Leadership and career development Feb 2022

Finance Focus February 2022

How can we shape tomorrow's world? In this edition, we take a look at the issue of leadership and how charity finance professionals can play a leading role in creating a better future.

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Investment Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) People and culture Leadership and career development Crisis management Jan 2022

Finance Focus January 2022

Welcome to the first edition of Finance Focus in 2022! This month, we welcome some new faces to CFG and dive into what the year ahead holds for policy and investment. Plus, we look back on the many highs of 2021, and much more...

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Governance, legal and compliance People and culture IT, technology and digital Leadership and career development Crisis management Dec 2021

Finance Focus November/December 2021

This month, we take a look at CRM solutions, data and fundraising and employer branding. We also explore what organisations are doing to ensure employee wellbeing.

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Investment Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Governance, legal and compliance Gift Aid Leadership and career development Crisis management Oct 2021

Finance Focus October 2021

This month, we consider reputational risk and what it means to charity finance leaders, and we share some of the stories of organisational change from this year's Annual Conference. We also look at aspects of charity investment and discrimination at work.

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