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This survey is a groundbreaking, sector specific, foreign exchange report which reflects insights from more than 100 internationally operating UK-based charities. The report highlights the issues INGOs face in their FX operations.
'Leading the Way: Effective, Inclusive and Resilient' is the theme of this year's CFG Annual Conference. Dive inside to find out all about it - who's speaking, who's sponsoring, and why you'll not want to miss it. Also in this issue, we speak to two small charity finance leaders who have been working hard to keep the music playing during the pandemic.
Responsible investment is the focus of this month's edition. Our corporate partners share their advice and insights on how to invest responsibly and ethically. We also hear from Rachel Hewitt about how she managed when she took on a new leadership role at ClientEarth.
Welcome to the April 2021 edition of Finance Focus. This month we take a look at mental health and wellbeing in the run up to Mental Health Awareness Week in May. In this edition, we hear from Jan Hutchinson from Centre for Mental Health and speak to Adrian Lance from the Mental Health Foundation.